Sunday, 28 July 2013

Wellwomanclinic: Why is Vitamin K important?

Wellwomanclinic: Why is Vitamin K important?: Why is Vitamin K important? Uses 1.       Blood clotting 2.       Bone health 3.       Antioxidant, anti inflammatory   Defic...

Why is Vitamin K important?

Why is Vitamin K important?
1.      Blood clotting
2.      Bone health
3.      Antioxidant, anti inflammatory
 Deficiency symptoms
1.      Easy bruising
2.      Nose bleeds, bleeding gums
3.      Blood in urine and stools
4.      Very heavy menstrual flow
Rich Sources
1.      Spinach
2.      Broccoli
3.      Lettuce
4.      Asparagus

Monday, 22 July 2013

Wellwomanclinic: What should be women health check list after 40

Wellwomanclinic: What should be women health check list after 40: Health checklist for women above 40 years: Understanding Health Needs As women grow and mature, their health needs also change accord...

What should be women health check list after 40

Health checklist for women above 40 years:
Understanding Health Needs
As women grow and mature, their health needs also change according to their age. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Women's health is an issue which has been taken up by many feminists, especially where reproductive health is concerned. Even if you feel good and healthy, still it is important to have regular health checkups. Following are some specific tests that women above 40 should have in order to avoid future problems as health is wealth.
1) Bone mineral density test:
Ø  It is performed to check the strength of the bone and to check the risk of osteoporosis.
Ø  Osteoporosis is a problem in which there is loss of bone
Ø  It usually occurs at the age of 40 or above. Bones become fragile.
Ø  The lifetime risk of osteoporosis for women is almost 50%
So, eat healthy diet and do weight bearing exercises.
Early diagnosis is important and simple scan is recommended.

2) Blood Pressure Check:
Ø  Have your blood pressure checked every 2 years unless it is 120-139/80-89 Hg or higher. Then have it checked every year.
Ø  Ask your doctor for blood pressure screening
Ø  If the top number (systolic number) is greater than 130 or the bottom number (diastolic number) is greater than 85, immediately contact to your doctor.
Ø  If you have diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems, or certain other conditions, you may need to be monitored more closely.
   3) Breast cancer examination:
Ø   Breast cancer is one of the most common problems in women. The majority of breast cancers (80 per cent) occur in women over the age of 50.
Ø  To be careful, women must perform breath self exam.
Ø   They should contact their doctor immediately if they notice a change in their breasts, whether or not they do self exams.
  • Doctor should provide complete breast exam every year.
Ø  Mammograms: Women over age 40 should have at least one mammogram every 2 years

The main risk factors are gender, increasing age and familial link. If you have a first-degree relative – a mother or sister – with a history of breast cancer you should commence screening 10 years before the age your relative was diagnosed.

4)  Cervical cancer screening:

Ø Cervical cancer is the 11th most common cancer among women: commoner in developing countries
Ø Pap smears should be done once every 2 - 3 years
Ø A pelvic examination is usually performed when a woman undergoes a smear test or if she is experiencing irregular, heavy periods or abdominal pain
Ø Pap smear plus HPV DNA test and pelvic exam should be done at starting age of 30 yrs at every five years, or as recommended by your doctor.
Ø  Women who have had a total hysterectomy (uterus and cervix removed) may choose not to have Pap smears.
Ø  Women who are sexually active should be screened for Chlamydia infection. This can be done during a pelvic exam.

5) Blood cholesterol test:
Ø  Women over age 44 should be checked every 5 years.
Ø  If you have diabetes, heart disease, kidney problems, or certain other conditions, you may need to be monitored more closely.
Ø If you have high cholesterol, your doctor will recommend cutting out fatty foods, especially animal fats, and will advise on ways to help you reduce your weight if you are overweight
Ø . Having a drink or yoghurt daily or using spreads that contain plant sterols can lower cholesterol levels.

 6)  Immunizations:
Ø  You should have a tetanus-diphtheria booster at least once after the age of 35 and every 10 years.
Ø  You should receive a flu vaccine every year.

7)  Physical exams:
Ø  Have a physical exam every 1-5 years.
Ø  Your height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) every visit

Finally, being self-aware and doing self-health checks is vital.
'Know what is normal for you, take note of any changes and see a doctor if there has been any change in overall health, so that the symptoms can be fully assessed,'

Monday, 15 July 2013

What to expect in early pregnancy?


Every woman has different symptoms of pregnancy. The earliest symptoms appear in the first ten weeks after conception.

Some of the important symptoms are:

1) Morning sickness- which can occur at any time of day or night usually begins as early as three weeks of conception. Due to increased level of hormone estrogens and progesterone, this problem arises. Pregnant women usually have heightened sense of smell to various odours such as food, cooking, perfume or smoke.

2) Missed period - it is the most common symptom of pregnancy but it is not necessary that if you miss the periods you are supposed to be pregnant. A simple pregnancy test can usually help you to determine positive pregnancy test. The urine and blood pregnancy test look for the hormone HCG.

3) Breast changes - when there is increase in the level of hormone after conception changes occur in breast; it may become swollen, sore or tingly, and heavy with fullness. It usually takes one week’s time to adjust with new changes in hormones. But when it does the breast pain should ease up.

4) Fatigue - Fatigue is most likely to occur in early pregnancy. You will feel very lethargic every time it will also lower down your blood pressure and sugar levels.

5) Frequent urination - this usually occurs in women due to pregnancy itself. It starts around the sixth or eighth week after conception. This happens because the embryo starts to secrete the pregnancy hormone HCG, which signals for the blood supply to increase in the pelvic area. This results in the bladder becoming irritable and it passes even small amounts of urine. Other reasons maybe urinary infection or diabetes.

6) Pimples and acne - this is the most common symptom that occur in women in pregnancy. But as soon as your hormone level stabilises this will be settle down. Don’t try to squeeze the pimples as it will leave scars and it will increase the chances of spreading bacterial infections.

7) Constipation - due to increase in the level of hormone usually progesterone which causes your food to slowly pass down intestine. To get rid of this problem drink plenty of water, exercise, and eat plenty of high-fiber foods.

8) Mood swings - this symptom usually occur in the first trimester of pregnancy. Sometimes women become emotional and happy: it depends on the rise and fall in hormone. Right from conception, your body goes full speed ahead doing an incredible job, creating an environment to support and protect your baby.

9) Spotting - around 8-10 days after ovulation you will observe light spotting which is caused by the implantation of the embryo in the lining of the uterus . The spotting is usually red in colour not red like normal period.

10) High basal body temperature (BBT) - if you are regularly measuring your temperature you will observe your BBT remains high throughout your lethal phase. Due to fluctuation of hormone progesterone BBT, rises upon ovulation and stays elevated. If you are not pregnant, your BBT will drop right down and you’ll get your period as normal.


Monday, 8 July 2013

Wellwomanclinic: VITAMIN D RICH FOODS

Wellwomanclinic: VITAMIN D RICH FOODS: A cup of fortified milk supplies 100 IU,  Salmon fish 425 IU per 30 ounces,  Egg yolk has 27 IU of Vit D, Margarine 20 IU per te...

Sunday, 7 July 2013


A cup of fortified milk supplies 100 IU, 
Salmon fish 425 IU per 30 ounces, 
Egg yolk has 27 IU of Vit D,
Margarine 20 IU per teaspoon, 
Cheese has 2.8 IU per ounce, and
some in fortified cereals and bread

<50 yrs, 200 IU per day
51 to 70 yrs, 400 IU per day
>70 yrs, 600 IU per day
If your diet is insufficient, check with your healthcare provider about Vit D testing.