Monday, 23 December 2013

Postpartum depression

Postpartum Depression also called postnatal depression is a type of clinical depression which can affect women, typically after childbirth

Updated: Mar 6, 2012

Risk Factors
1.    Hormonal factors
Although levels of estrogen, progesterone, and cortisol fall dramatically within 48 hours after delivery, women with postpartum depression do not differ significantly from nondepressed.
      2.     Psychosocial factors
Women who report inadequate social supports, marital discord or dissatisfaction, or recent negative life events, such as a death in the family, financial difficulties, or loss of employment, are more likely to experience postpartum depression.
3.    Biologic vulnerability

Women with a previous history of depression, a family history of a mood disorder, or depression during the current pregnancy are at increased risk for postpartum depression and have recurrence of up to 90%.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Common causes of pelvic pain in women

Pelvic pain

It is pain in the abdomen below the belly button. It maybe a harmless sign of fertility, a digestive disorder like IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) or a red flag for a life threatening emergency.

Common Causes

1.       Acid peptic disease
2.       Irritable bowel syndrome
3.       Painful ovulation
4.       Premenstrual syndrome
5.       Menstrual cramps
6.       Ectopic pregnancy
7.       Pelvic inflammatory disease
8.       Ovarian cysts
9.       Uterine fibroid
10.   Endometriosis
11.   Urinary tract infection
12.   Kidney stones
13.   Interstitial cystitis
14.   Sexually transmitted diseases
15.   Pelvic organ prolapsed
16.   Pelvic congestion syndrome
17.   Scar tissue
18.   Vulvodynia

19.   Chronic pelvic pain

Tuesday, 3 December 2013


Why Brown Rice is better than White Rice?

Want to lose weight and still eat rice?
Just switch to brown rice instead of white. Apart from being more nutritious, it also has fat-burning properties.

What is brown rice? How is it different from white rice?

It is just normal rice but with all the nutrients still intact. The reason brown rice has many more nutrients than regular white rice is due to the fact that brown rice has the outer layer, called the hull (husk), while white rice has been refined for convenience removing several nutritious layers—therefore losing all nutrients.
The next time you feel sluggish reach for brown rice.
*       It has several health benefits
*       Brown rice has more than 80% of your daily value of manganese, which gives you energy from both carbohydrates and proteins.
*       Manganese also helps synthesize fatty acids, which keeps your nervous system in working order.
*       The fiber in brown rice produces the best health benefit of all – fat burning! In addition to requiring more energy to break it down, the fiber in brown rice helps satisfy your appetite and therefore decreases your chances of overeating. That is the equation for fat loss – eat less and burn more!

*       The fiber and selenium found in brown rice can also reduce your risk of many types of cancer, which is a health benefit we could all use. Finally, oils found in brown rice can help lower cholesterol, which according to research, we eat too much of already.